Continuing homeschooling through the high school years is a privilege and the natural continuation of earlier training.
Academic Services
Academic services for high school include:
- • planning appropriate courses with the high school adviser
• close monitoring of high school progress and courses
• work permits
• Sign off for permit to take driving test
• Proficiency testing - • diploma
• transcript
• college/university transition guidance
Social Opportunities
Social opportunities for our high school students (occasionally including junior high, depending on activity and space available) are for the most part planned and carried out by volunteer parents. These are separate from any field trips offered by the school that may also be of interest to older students. Please plan to participate in discussions at the beginning of each school year about activities or events you or your student would wish to do. Then, if you are able, volunteer to do your part in organizing or hosting one or more of the events. Typical teen social or educational activities may include events such as:
• Swim party
• Game night (might be board games or bunco night or might be at a home that has ping pong, volleyball, air hockey, foosball, wii, etc.)
• Costume party
• Photo scavenger hunt
• Rock wall climbing or Hangar 18 (indoor climbing gym)
• Progressive dinner (CHS’s traditional dressy high school Christmas event)
• Service opportunities at Operation Christmas Child or similar
• High school prom – if offered, this would be a totally parent-sponsored event, with all guidelines or requirements being set by parents, all costs and money transactions being handled by parents, etc. The past several years CHS parents have offered a high school prom at various venues in the area.