Christian Heritage offers both a Preschool Activities Associate and a High School Activities Associate option. If you wish to participate with CHS without enrolling your students officially, read on to see whether this is an option that fits your situation. Both categories refer to families who do not already have students enrolled at Christian Heritage School under full membership status.
Preschool Associates
In order to assist families who do not have school-age students but who are thinking of homeschooling when their children reach school age, these families may join on an associate membership basis. Their students are NOT considered to be enrolled in the school, but the parents are considered to be members; they will be given the code to access our school member’s website including the online news and events. They may attend any of the functions that are appropriate such as teachers meetings or other kinds of trainings, field trips that include pre-school ages, park days, etc. If they wish to attend small group meetings, they may be assigned to a group and considered regular members of that small group as well, but that is optional. This status can be used for families whose oldest child for homeschooling is younger than the compulsory education age (age 6 by September 1 of any given school year).
High School Activities Associates
Families who have high school aged students who wish to participate in CHS activities but not be fully enrolled school members may register as activities associates if they meet the following criteria: • The student(s) under consideration are homeschooling independently or through another private homeschool group. • The student(s) under consideration are not enrolled in a public school or public charter. • The family and student(s) under consideration agree to the CHS Statement of Faith (see Registration Form below). • The family and student(s) under consideration agree to the CHS Code of Conduct. • The family and student must be known to the CHS staff or be sponsored by a current CHS member family. This associate status offers the option for participation in student events (field trips, student assemblies, high school social events, etc.). Although they may participate in school pictures and have their picture included in the yearbook (noted as associate), they will not be eligible for the school ID cards; these would be available should the family choose to become a full school member family. Associate students may, however, participate in senior high school commencement ceremonies and, if desired, purchase a yearbook senior message page (assuming a yearbook is being created).Also under this status parents are NOT considered to be members and may not participate in teachers meetings or other kinds of trainings that are specifically for CHS parents; however they will be on our news update email list and will be given the code to access our school members-only website including school event information.
Activities Associate Program Financial Information
Financial Information for Associate Membership
Note: • As an activities associate , HSLDA membership is not required. However, we strongly recommend membership in HSLDA if you are homeschooling any school-aged students. • To join HSLDA for the first time (whether CHS member or not), please click here. • As with full membership, the parent is responsible for the purchase of curriculum of his/her choice, field trip expenses and other activities.
Associate Membership Policies & Registration Application
The School Policies and Statement of Faith are on the third page of our Associate Member application. Download and read the Policies and Statement of Faith. If you then wish to apply, please print out the application (all three pages), complete them and mail to the office (P.O. Box 1780, Corona, CA 92878-1780) or scan and email to [email protected]. Activities Associates must pay for the entire year up front; the fee is the same whenever you join.